Friday, August 21, 2015

Marker Project Winners

Hi All,

I'd like to congratulate the winners of the ARCH1101 marker project Competition ... 

In no particular order:

Jessica Wong

William Manyard
Mathew Burnett
Narissa Bungbrakearti

Jenny Lin

It was a really tough year, the overall standard this year is the best I've seen it in the 8 years I've been running the course.

There were over 20 project shortlisted (again pointing to the depth of design work in the year) with the winners chosen by Blacktown city Architect, Larry Adams, and the Blacktown city executive team.

Larry has expressed his sincere appreciation for all of your work, and is keen to progress one of the projects further.

I'd also like to thank all the tutors for their fantastic performance throughout the semester. As always, its a team effort ... 

This is a great way to finish it off!

Kind regards
